10 Different Types of Lawn Grass

different types of lawn grass
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There are different types of lawn grass to choose from. It all depends on the area that you leave in and the climate. You need to select a lawn that will thrive in your area. You want to have a garden that will look beautiful and it will satisfy the needs of your whole family, including your pets.

In this article, we will give you tips about the different types of lawn that you can find. In this way, you will be able to make the right choice and choose the one that is the appropriate one for you and your garden. Also if you live in Texas check the best types of grass that you can have.

Different Types Of Lawn Grass Classes

Before you choose from the different types of lawn you should also choose from the 2 classes. There are 2 broad classes of grasses that you can choose from depending on the area that you live. These classes are the cool season and the warm season grasses.

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The cool season grass will grow best in cool temperatures and can tolerate the cold. It will grow best from late spring to early fall. You can grow it in Northeast, North and Pacific Northwest.

The warm season grass will grow best in areas with warm weather such as the Southern U.S. The warm season will grow best from April to October. Each of these two classes has their own different types of lawn. Let’s have a look at their characteristics and which ones belong to each class.

Cool Season Grass

When you’ll choose your cool season grass you should have the following things in mind. The characteristics that they should have are the following: the roots can grow at 50 degrees F. They have a broad mid-vein, multiple veins, and roll leaf blades. If there is heat then the lawn will turn brown.

The different types of lawn that belong to the cool season are the following: the Bluegrass, the Bentgrass, the Creeping fescue, the Annual ryegrass and the Fine rescue grass. Let’s start with the Bluegrass.


This variety is actually a combination of ryegrass and fescues. It can tolerate the heavy foot traffic, cold, and drought. It has blades that are tall and thin. They are combined because they get the different characteristics.

The bluegrass on its own can’t tolerate the extreme drought and cold weather. Combined it will give perfect results. It also has a soft texture. It doesn’t need a lot of watering and it is average tall. It is a great grass.

Bent Grass

The bent grass is a quite famous grass because we usually find it in golf courses. It is one of the different types of lawn that belong to the cold season grass. It has narrow and flat blades, it has a soft color and a dense texture. It will grow up to 1/10”. It also needs to be watered frequently.

The only drawback to the specific grass is that it is costly. In order to maintain it, you will need insecticides, fertilizer, and fungicides. You will also need to water it daily. Have all these things in mind when you choose it.

Creeping Fescue

This specific different type of lawn grows best in the USDA zones from 1 to 7. It needs soil moist in order to grow. It develops a deep root system when it is established. What makes this lawn great is the fact that it is resistant to drought. It also has an amazing color.

If you live in a place that rains a lot then you need to make sure that you have a good irrigation system. This lawn doesn’t have pest threats like other lawns have and you can maintain it quite easily.

Annual Ryegrass

The annual ryegrass is a great cover crop. This different type of grass is fast growing and it prevents the unwanted seeding which can damage your existing crops. You can plant it in fall or even spring if you want to. It grows best in the USDA zones from 5 to 6.

It grows quite easily and its purpose is to protect your crops. It creates a cocoon that covers and protects your plant. The only thing that you should pay attention to is the rust. If you notice that rust is formed then you mow it and apply a fungicide to prevent it from happening and eliminate it if it exists.

Fine Rescue Grass

The last type that belongs to the cool season is the fine rescue. It is one of the different types of lawn grass. This type has a gray-green color and a soft texture. It grows quite fast, it needs to be watered regularly, don’t overdo it though. What is amazing with this grass is that it can tolerate the shade.

The blades of fine rescue can grow up to 1/16’’ and it has a fine tip. This grass though can tolerate neither the heat nor the dry conditions. It is a great grass that you will enjoy if you’ll choose it.

Warm Season Grass

The warm season grass has the following characteristics. These different types of grass can generate the seeds and the runners. Their structure is also different. There are runners that creep and grow along the ground. In this way, the lawn spreads and it can repair itself.

Some of the warm grasses are Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine, and Dichondra. Let’s have a look at their different characteristics of the different types of lawn that belong to the warm season grass.


Bermuda grass is a very popular grass in the Central U.S. You need to maintain it and it might be a bit costly compared to the different types of lawn. It needs to be watered, mowed and fertilized repeatedly. What makes it popular is the fact that it can be mowed quite low. This is the reason why they use it in golf courses.

Its blades are sharp and pointed and they are 1/8’’ wide. This type has a deep green color and it has a thick and dense texture which makes it great. Even though you might need more money in order to maintain it, it’s worth it.


Zoysia grass is another type of lawn that belongs to the warm grass. Zoysia grass might remind you a carpet. Their blades look like needles and they are narrow. Its color is prickly. The only disadvantage is that it grows slowly compared to the other types.

When the weather gets colder the grass turns brown but during spring it gets green again. It will take about a year in order for this grass to be established. It needs average water in order to grow properly. It is very famous in Mid U.S.

St. Augustine

A different type of lawn is St. Augustine. This grass needs a lot of moisture in order to grow and be maintained. You need to water it frequently but you shouldn’t overdo it. It is perfect for your garden and home because it isn’t very tall.

It has a thick and dense texture and it also has wide blades. It is a very popular grass in California and it is also used in golf courses. The only disadvantage is that it can’t tolerate the cold temperatures at all.


Dichondra is another type of lawn. You can find this variety mainly in Arizona and California. It has a rich texture and for this reason it is used as a house lawn. You need to water it frequently and you also need to fertilize it because it is prone to pests and diseases. It has round leaves. These leaves are spread opposite from each other.


There are different types of lawn grass. They are divided in cool season grass and warm season grass. These 2 classes have the different types of lawn. You will choose the right type for you because each one of these types has different characteristics.
Always, pay attention to how you can preserve and maintain it. The key is in the early stages. If you manage to keep it healthy and follow our tips you’ll be able to enjoy the whole process.
Whether it’s a cool season grass or a warm season grass follow our tips. In this way, you will have healthy lawn grass that you’ll be able to enjoy and spend your time there with your family, pets, and friends. Don’t forget that these types can be of low price and expensive. It depends on you which one you will choose. Enjoy!