Magnolia Trees Identification And How To Protect Them

Magnolia Trees identification
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Magnolia Trees identification its an easy part if you take a look at our amazing article Bellow. We will also analyze the main categories and inform you about enemies and diseases that affect our amazing Magnolias.

Magnolia Trees (Magnolia sp., Magnoliaceae) are ornamental trees and shrubs, which grow as evergreen or deciduous plants, which depend on the categories. As ornamental plants in gardens and parks, there are three main categories:

Magnolia Trees identification – The Main Magnolia Categories:

  • Magnolia Grandiflora: It is an evergreen tree, with large white fragrant flowers.
  • Magnolia stellata: It is a deciduous tree with large double white fragrant flowers.
  • Magnolia Soulangeana: It is a deciduous bush or small tree, with large white, pink flowers.

There are more than 210 Magnolia varieties, and their main regions are from Eastern Asia and Southern and Central America. The genus took its name, in honor of French herbalist Pierre Magnol (1638 – 1715), director of the Montpellier botanical garden.

Morphological features of Magnolias:

1. Magnolia Grandiflora:

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In the regions where you can find this variety, Magnolia Garndiflora can overcome the height of 25 m. In our country the height of the plant usually ranges from 3 to 7 m. It has large glossy leaves (length: 15 – 25 cm) with dark green color, and on the bottom of leaves surface, has lint and brown coloration.

Magnolia Grandiflora Tree

Its Flowers are large, with a diameter of up to 25 cm, they are white in color and have a lovely fragrance. They start to bloom from May until the end of the summer. The plant grows slowly.

2. Magnolia Stellata:

This tree reaches a height of up to 7m and creates dense vegetation. Its leaves are smaller than Magnolia Grandiflora, with a length of up to 10 cm. They are leathery with deep green coloration on the upper surface and light green coloration on the bottom of its leaves. Its flowers are double, white, aromatic; with a diameter of 8 – 10 cm.

Star magnolia Magnolia stellata

Blooming is very dense and begins before the leaves start to grow. Magnolia Stellara begins to blossom from early April to May and it lasts for almost 20 days.

3. Magnolia Soulangeana:

Usually grows like a shrub, but in a suitable environment it can grow as a small tree of 3 – 4 m high. Its leaves are up to 15 cm long. The flowers are large, with a diameter of 10 – 20 cm, while there are varieties with larger flowers. Their color can be white, pink, or purple.

Magnolia Soulangeana

Magnolia Soulangeana begins to blossom before its leaves grow, from early April to early May.

Taking care of our Magnolias in our Garden:

If we want our Magnolias to grow fast and healthy we must follow the following guide. It must be planted in clay or sandy soil, which will be rich in organic substance and wet soils. It is better to plant it in sunny or semi-shaded positions.

Magnolias and especially M. stellata and M. soulengeana are resistant plants to low temperatures. When you plant them make sure that they will be protected from intense winds. They can’t be planted in areas with severe drought because they are delicate flowers.

With this Magnolia Trees identification guide, you will learn that They are, however, resistant to the high temperatures of the summer. Watering is necessary, especially during the summer months, because the soil must always be wet. In addition, the use of organic fertilizers (compost) greatly enhances the growth of plants.

In M. stellata and M. soulangeana the pruning is done after flowering and the aim is to remove dry branches or branches that prevent the correct growth of the crown. Magnolia Grandiflora usually does not need pruning but only to remove the dried branches or leaves.

Its a good idea to check soil’s pH and more before you plant them, by using some incredible tools. Take a look here!

Enemies and diseases that affect Magnolias:

They are resistant varieties in both insect pests of the garden and fungi. In calcareous soils that are not watered, the plants do not grow well, they are chloro-tropic and without rich flowering. In addition, in few cases, they might be infected with aphids.

Natural Secrets To Huge Magnolia Tree Flowers And Rapid Growth (Video)

This infection does not develop in high populations and does not affect the normal growth of the plants.

As you can see the Magnolia Trees identification its an easy procedure and if you follow our guide, you will also protect them from diseases and help them to grow-up fast.