How much does it cost to plant a tree? This is the question that comes to mind when you are looking at your lovely garden. Whether you have a big or small garden will play an important role on the amount of trees that you are going to plant.
Before you start planting your trees you should consider their price and the variety that you are going to have. Also, you could plant trees because you want to isolate your property from your neighbors. So, how much does it cost to plant a tree? Let’s find out.
Average Cost
The average cost is actually quite difficult to estimate because it depends on the tree type that you are going to have. The space is also important; do you have a big or small garden? How many trees do you want to plant? These are questions that you need to have in mind if you want to have a beautiful garden full of trees and shade too. How much does it cost to plant a tree?
There are different costs for different varieties of trees. Apart from the varieties that will give you different prices, availability plays a significant role too. The average cost of a typical tree is estimated to be $200.
Depending on the variety a tree could also cost $350 or even more. If you are going to transplant your tree this will not be included in the price. In the major question of how much does it cost to plant a tree, we start to get some answers.
Changing the Position of the Tree
Apart from planting the tree in your garden you might want to move it. This is another cost that you should keep in mind. This process might be quite expensive. The cost for moving your tree could be from $40 to $75.
In case your house is not close to the nursery then how much does it cost to plant a tree? The actual cost could be from $75 and $200 or more. If you don’t have a truck to pick it by yourself these are the costs that you should pay attention to.
Planting your Tree
If you decide to plant the tree on your own then the cost won’t be high. If you decide though to hire a specialist then you should include their fee as well. The specialists can have a set fee or they could be paid hourly it depends on the person. Apart from the specialists we have the landscapers too.
Landscapers can charge from $25 to $60 per hour depending on their experience.
How much does it cost to plant a tree? If you are going to plant a small tree the planting could take two hours and sometimes more than that. You should know that when you’ll plant your tree you should have a fence as well for the first months to ensure that the tree is stable.
Large trees will have different costs. Also, you should know that when you’ll buy a tree or trees from a nursery the delivery and transportation fees are included in the price. The overall price could be roughly $100 to $500. Some nurseries might have specialists to help you plant your tree and they might give you installation fees.
Costs of trees
How much does it cost to plant a tree? Below we are going to examine some of the costs for small trees, medium trees, and large trees. We are going to include the labor costs too. In this way you will have more or less an idea of the how much does it cost to plant a tree.
Planting Five Small Trees
How much does it cost to plant trees? We will examine the unit cost, the quantity, and the line cost. Let’s say that we have five small trees. They are going to be four to six feet tall. The unit cost is $75 for each tree and the line cost is $376.
The transport, the preparation, and equipment are included in the price. The labor cost is $38 per hour. The total cost per unit (labor cost included) is $106 per tree and the line cost is $528.
Planting Five Medium Trees
Let’s see how much does it cost to plant five medium trees. Each of the medium trees would be 8 to 10 feet tall. The unit cost for each of the tree will be $194 and the line cost will be $969.
The labor cost is $38 per hour and the line cost $304. The transport, clean up, equipment, miscellaneous supplies are included in the price. The total cost per tree would be $255 and the line cost would be $1.273.
Planting Five Large Trees
How much does in cost to plant five large trees? Each of the large trees will be 14 to 20 feet tall. The costs include the transport, clean up, equipment, miscellaneous supplies and clean up as we have mentioned before. The unit cost per tree is higher, $2.119 and the line cost is $10.595. The labor cost is $38 per hour and the line cost is $1.520.
In total the unit cost per tree is $2.423 and the line cost is $12.115. You should always keep in mind the taxes and the permit fees. You should include the people that are going to work in your garden and the branches and other things that you will have to remove form your garden once your trees will be planted.
When Is the Best Season to Plant Trees?
Apart from the question how much does it cost to plant a tree, there are different views about when is the best season to plant a tree. It depends on the type of tree. During winter time when the temperatures are very low and the very hot summer days when the temperatures are high you should avoid planting trees.
When you plant your tree during the springtime your tree will be ready during the summer and it will last during the winter as well. If you plant it during spring don’t forget to water it a lot and add mulch.
When you plant a tree during the fall you won’t find a huge variety but when you will plant your tree the roots will grow better because the soil will be quite cool. Also, during fall the nurseries have sales which mean that you will find what you want at a better price.
During winter there is a possibility that some trees will be damaged but usually, this happens not because of the weather but because they didn’t have the proper care during spring or fall. Make sure that when you plant your tree you’ll take very good care of it and follow the guidelines of the specialists.
How Much Does it Cost to Plant a Tree?
How much does it cost to plant a tree? Below we are going to talk about some trees, the zones that they grow best and the cost that you will have to pay if you choose to plant one of them or different ones.
Dogwood tree
How much does it cost to plant a dogwood tree? Dogwood tree (or else known as Cornus Florida) grows best in zones 5 to 9. It is of medium height and it increases 13 to 24 inches a year. Its height can be 4 to 6. Its cost varies from $150 to $200.
It is a very popular tree; it can be red, pink or white. It is of medium size which makes it perfect for your garden or even your patio. It is an ornamental and a flowering tree. It best blooms in April and May. During the fall its leaves turn purple or red.
How much does it cost to plant a ginkgo tree? Ginkgo tree (or else Ginkgo biloba) grows best in zones 3 to 8. It is of medium height and it grows 13 to 24 inches per year. It can reach up to 4 feet and its cost is $100. It is a tree that can tolerate not only the air pollution but also the heat, and the soil salt. It matches perfectly to urban areas. It has fan-shaped leaves and bright yellow color during the fall.
Japanese Red Maple
How much does it cost to plant a Japanese red maple tree? The Japanese red maple tree (Acer Palmatum) grows best in zones 5 to 8. Its height can increase from 12 to 24 inches per year. It can be up to 5 feet and it costs $150 to $175.
There is a big variety of color and size and you can choose whichever you think that will be best for your garden. It can grow as a small tree too but you need to protect it from winds and frosts.
Little Gem Magnolia
How much does it cost to plant a little gem Magnolia tree? Little Gem Magnolia tree (or else Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Little Gema’) can grow best in zones 5 to 9. Its height can increase to 24 inches or more and it grows fast.
It can reach up to 5 feet which costs $150 and the one that grows up to 12 feet costs $400-$500. It produces the famous creamy flowers which you can find in a smaller version too. It’s perfect for small properties.
Shadblow serviceberry
How much does it cost to plant a shadblow serviceberry? Shadblow serviceberry (Amelanchier Canadensis) grows best in zones 4 to 7. Its height can increase from 13 to 24 inches per year and it can be up to 6 feet. It costs $200. It blooms every spring and it can tolerate moist conditions. It attracts butterflies and different songbirds. It gives aromatic white flowers and tasteful berries.
Kanzan Cherry
How much does it cost to plant a Kanzan Cherry? Kanzan Cherry (or else Prunus serrulata ‘Kanzan’) grows perfectly in zones 5 to 9. Its height can increase from 13 to 24 inches per year. It costs $150.
This particular type of cherry tree produces double flowers and its pink blooms emerge all April and May. During the fall the leaves change their colors to dark green. The only drawback is that it has a short lifespan of 15 to 25 years.
Eastern White Pine
How much does it cost to plant an Easter White Pine tree? This particular tree is also known as Pinus Strobus. It grows best in zones 3 to 8. It grows quite fast as its height increases up to 3 feet per year. It can be up to 5 feet which will cost $60 and the 12 feet cost $150.
This particular tree s perfect for big gardens and it needs space in order to mature. It can grow up to 80 feet tall and it can protect your house from the wind and a lot of birds love its seeds.
Taking Care of your Tree
Once you have finished planting your tree you should take care of it. This means that there should be extra costs on the question of how much does it cost to plant a tree. The extra cost is from $50 to $100 each year. You should water it and fertilize it in order to flourish. If you’ll need help then there will be an extra cost which depends on the landscaper that is going to help you.
From what we saw how much does it cost to plant a tree depends on the variety of tree, on the space that you have and of course the money that you want to spend. Apart from these what is also important is whether you want a specialist to help you plant it or if you are going to do it by yourself.
There are varieties of trees with different prices that you can choose from. You should also keep in mind how many people are going to work in your garden and how many hours they are going to stay. How much does it cost to plant a tree? We hope that you are going to plant beautiful trees.