Fuchsia Thymifolia: What you need to know about this amazing plant

Fuchsia Thymifolia
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Fuchsia Thymifolia, commonly known as Thyme-leaved fuchsia or Encliandra Fuchsia, is a scented, perennial & deciduous plant which belongs to the widespread family “Onagraceae”, along with other 650 known species of trees, shrubs and herbs which are characterised by flowers with typically four petals & sepals.

It additionally belongs to the subtropical “Fuchsia” genus. Starting from 1696 in the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, this genus which consists of flowering plants and small trees, has 110 known species and is now an excellent choice for every gardener’s garden.

Fuchsia Thymifolia: General appearance

The following plant has glossy dark green foliage and is covered with lovely trumpet-shaped, dark pink fuchsia flowers. This plant with its miniature-alike blooms can reach up to 24 inches in height & spread. It goes really well with other plants such as ‘Ashwood Garden Hybrids”.

Place, time and needs

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Fuchsia “Thymifolia” cannot flourish under cold conditions. It blooms from  mid-April to mid-November, mostly during May and June. This plant grows best in filtered shade: you can put it in a shaded corner of your garden or in the middle or front of a border. It can, also, be grown indoors.
It requires a little water, and has a very light scent. Pruning should be done after flowering, when the new growth begins to show, during late March or April. Additionally, in order to avoid possible damage, you should take cuttings in summer. Finally, it should be grown in moist but well-drained soil. 

Fuchsia Thymifolia Watering

Fuchia “Thymifolia” with heavy or poorly draining soil retain water much longer. On the other hand those are in hanging baskets for example, will dry out faster than those in the ground. So the way when you watering Fuchia “Thymifolia” in pots, keep watering until you see some water to drain out the bottom.

General information and red flags

Fuchsia “Thymifolia” is a truly charming flower that will add an intense beauty to the shaded corners of your garden. It is resistant to deers, and significantly attractive to hummingbirds. No toxicity has been reported against those around it, so it is safe for humans and animals. Nevertheless, the gardeners should warrant special consideration on their plant being eaten by insects.


Fuchsia it is a wonderful and easy plant care by anyone. It can grow even in hanging baskets. If you like this plant, you may also like the following blooms:

  • Geranium “Robertarium”
  • Geranium “Dissectum”
  • Astilbe “Federsee”
  • Genarium “Elke”

Is Fuchsia thymifolia poisonous?

Fuchsia “thymifolia” or Encliandra Fuchsia has no toxic effects reported at all.
Is Fuchsia thymifolia poisonous?